On 2-9-13 was gazzeted the Law n.º 10/2013 establishing the new rules regarding management of the territory´s Lands.
The Law revokes the previous Land Law, Law n.º 6/80/M of 5th of July 1980, and enters into force on the 1st of March 2014.
The main objective of the Law is the increase of efficiency of the distribution and exploitation of the land.
The Law also intends to promote the sustainable development of Macau, improving the population life quality, being specially intended to regulate matters related with the management of the land, in particular, the improvement of the land concession rules, inter alia, through the establishment of the obligation of public tender for the concession, revision of the criteria’s for de determination of the premium to be paid for the concession, the limitation of the possibility of transmission of the land concession and with increase of supervision and penalties.
The law is based on nine base Principles: 1) sustainability, 2) useful and effective use of the lands, 3) supervision and control of the proceeding and the use of the lands, 4) public information, 5) equal access to land, 6) environmental safeguard, 7) submission to the urban plans, 8) publicity of the land legal situation, and 9) legal certainty.
http://bo.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2013/36/lei10.asp#10 (Portuguese Version)
http://bo.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2013/36/lei10_cn.asp#10 (Chinese Version)
http://images.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2013/36/lei-10-2013.pdf (Bilingual Version)